Void size functionΒΆ

The excursion set model is not the only way to compute the void size function. The following code refers to the file test_void_size_function.py provided in the tests directory.

We first set the radii at which to compute the void size function and the non-linear underdensity threshold.

RR   = np.geomspace(0.1,50.,101)  # Radii of voids
DNL  = -0.8                       # Underdensity for voids
IMAX = 200                        # Max index of sum (must be >= 200)

We then initialize a cosmology with its linear power spectrum at z=0.

C    = cc.cosmo(Omega_m=0.26,Omega_b=0.044,ns=0.96,As=2.168e-9,h=0.715)
zz   = 0.
kk   = np.logspace(-4.,2,1001)
_,pk = C.camb_Pk(z=zz,k=kk)

We compute the void size function for different models (linear, Sheth-Van der Weygaert and volume conserving):

RL_L,VSF_L  = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'linear',max_index=IMAX)
RL_S,VSF_S  = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'SvdW'  ,max_index=IMAX)
RL_V,VSF_V  = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'Vdn'   ,max_index=IMAX)
RL_L,VSF_Ll = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'linear',max_index=IMAX,delta_c=1.06)
RL_S,VSF_Sl = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'SvdW'  ,max_index=IMAX,delta_c=1.06)
RL_V,VSF_Vl = C.void_size_function(R=RR,z=zz,k=kk,pk=pk,Delta_NL=DNL,
                                   model = 'Vdn'   ,max_index=IMAX,delta_c=1.06)