The Halofit operator

There are several ways to compute the non-linear power spectrum. On one hand there is non-linear perturbation theory with its well-known limits; on the other hand the application of an operator which transform a linear spectrum into its non-linear counterpart. This operator is commonly known as Halofit, which consists of functions built to mimick N-body simulations, and it is typically included in Boltzmann solvers. In time, there have been different versions, from the first one of arXiv:0207664 to the more recent .

We provide a file in tests named that computes the non-linear matter power spectra starting from a linear one. The same thing is done in the test_nonlinear.ipynb in the notebooks directory. The file features the classes implemented in the file, i.e. different methods to compute the non-linear power spectrum that should return exaclty what Boltzmann solvers do: * the class colibri.nonlinear.HMcode2016() uses Mead’s HMcode version of 2015 (arxiv:1505.07833); * the class colibri.nonlinear.HMcode2020() uses Mead’s HMcode version of 2020 (arxiv:2009.01858); * the class colibri.nonlinear.Takahashi() employs the version by Takahashi (arxiv:1208.2701 ); * the class colibri.nonlinear.Bird() is the same of the latter but it includes the corrections for the presence of massive neutrinos by Bird et al. (arXiv:1109.4416 ); * the class colibri.nonlinear.halomodel() computes the total matter power spectrum assuming the halo model by Mead et al., 2015 (arxiv:1505.07833 ). * the class colibri.nonlinear.classic_halomodel() computes the total matter power spectrum assuming the classic halo model (e.g. arxiv:0206508 ).

We first define a cosmo instance, without massive neutrinos to have a direct comparison with the Halofit implemented in CAMB:

import colibri.cosmology as cc
import colibri.nonlinear as NL

C  = cc.cosmo(Omega_m = 0.32,
              Omega_b = 0.05,
              As      = 2.12605e-9,
              ns      = 0.96,
              h       = 0.67,
              M_nu    = 0.06)
zz = np.linspace(0., 5., 6)
kk = np.logspace(-4., 2., 201)

Let us set then a method with which to compute the spectra. We will use the HMcode2020 method. We compute at this point the non-linear power spectrum with CAMB

# Compute the non-linear power spectrum with CAMB (use Mead halofit)
k_camb, pk_camb = C.camb_Pk(k = kk, z = zz, nonlinear = True, halofit = 'mead2020')

And then with COLIBRI via the colibri.nonlinear.HMcode2016() class:

# Use the `HMcode2020' class, which takes as arguments
# Compute at first the linear power spectrum (for 'cb' and 'tot')
 k_l, pk_l = C.camb_XPk(z = zz, k = kk, var_1 =  ['cb','tot'], var_2 = ['cb','tot'])
 do_nonlinear = NL.HMcode2020(z            = zz,
                              k            = k_l,
                              pk_cc        = pk_cc,
                              pk_mm        = pk_mm,
                              cosmology    = C)
pk_hf        = do_nonlinear.pk_nl

The comparison should look like the figure below, where the maximum deviation is below 1%.
