Power spectra in Limber’s approximation

Here is shown an example of how to compute shear and galaxy power spectra using the class colibri.limber.limber() . In a flat Universe such spectra are given by:

\[C_{AB}^{(ij)}(\ell) = \int_{z_\mathrm{min}}^{z_\mathrm{max}} dz \ \frac{c}{H(z)} \ \frac{W_A^{(i)}(z) W_B^{(j)}(z)}{\chi^2(z)} \ P\left(k = \frac{\ell}{\chi(z)}, z\right),\]

where \(A\) and \(B\) can either be weak lensing or galaxy clustering. In an ideal case \(z_\mathrm{min}=0\) and \(z_\mathrm{max}=\infty\), \(W_A^{(i)}(z)\) is the window function for a given redshift bin and \(P(k,z)\) is the total matter non-linear power spectrum.


To start, initialize a colibri.cosmology.cosmo() instance and assign it to a colibri.limber.limber() instance.

import colibri.cosmology as cc
import colibri.limber as LL
C = cc.cosmo()
S = LL.limber(cosmology = C, z_limits = [0.01, 5.])

The quantity z_limits tells the code which are the limits of integration.

Power spectrum

As we saw, there are two main ingredients for the Limber approximation, namely the power spectra and the window functions.

The former is loaded through the following lines

kk = np.geomspace(1e-4, 1e2, 301)
zz = np.linspace(0., 5., 51)
_, pkz = C.camb_Pk(z = zz, k = kk, nonlinear = True, halofit = 'mead2020')
S.load_power_spectra(z = zz, k = kk, power_spectra = pkz)

where first we generate a table of power spectra. These must have the dimensions (len(z), len(k)) and in this case k and z must be the scales and redshifts at which that array is computed.

Bins, galaxy distributions and window functions

The window functions depend on the source galaxy distributions.

As a simple example, we assume a distribution given by colibri.limber.limber.euclid_distribution(), with 3 redshift bins with edges [0, 0.71], [0.71, 1.11], [1.11, 5]. The window functions are loaded with the following lines

# Set bins
bin_edges = [0.01,0.71,1.11,5.00]
nbins     = len(bin_edges)-1
# Set galaxy distribution (can be different for different probes!)
z_gal     = np.linspace(S.z_min, S.z_max, 201)
nz_gal    = [S.euclid_distribution_with_photo_error(z=z_gal,
                                                   zmax=bin_edges[i+1]) for i in range(nbins)]

# Compute the window functions for the Limber power spectra
# Cosmic shear
S.load_shear_window_functions  (z       = z_gal,
                                nz      = nz_gal,
                                name    = 'shear')
# Intrinsic alignment alone
S.load_IA_window_functions     (z       = z_gal,
                                nz      = nz_gal,
                                A_IA    = 1.72,
                                eta_IA  = -0.41,
                                beta_IA = 2.17,
                                lum_IA  = lambda z: (1+z)**-0.5,
                                name    = 'IA')
# Lensing (shear + intrinsic alignment)
# (Notice that the sum of the previous two should give the same result of the following,
# so the three of them are all computed here for didactic purposes.)
S.load_lensing_window_functions(z       = z_gal,
                                nz      = nz_gal,
                                A_IA    = 1.72,
                                eta_IA  = -0.41,
                                beta_IA = 2.17,
                                lum_IA  = lambda z: (1+z)**-0.5,
                                name    = 'lensing')
# Galaxy clustering
z_mean = (np.array(bin_edges[:-1])+np.array(bin_edges[1:]))*0.5
bias   = (1.+z_mean)**0.5
S.load_galaxy_clustering_window_functions(z = z_gal, nz = nz_gal, bias = bias, name = 'galaxy')

# Other window functions are implemented and custom window functions can also be used!
# e.g. the HI brightness temperature, the CMB lensing and the galaxy number counts
#S.load_HI_window_functions         (z=z_gal,nz=nz_gal,bias=1,Omega_HI=0.000625,name='HI')
#S.load_custom_window_functions     (z=z_gal,window=nz_gal,name='counts')

Each function called adds a key to the dictionary self.window_function


It is assumed here that the window functions are independent from scales. If this is not the case, typically the scale-dependence can be easily factorized out (e.g. ISW effect, different orders of cosmological perturbation theory…) and put in the power spectrum.

Angular power spectra

Finally, the shear power spectrum is computed with

ll    = np.geomspace(2., 1e4, 51)
Cl    = S.limber_angular_power_spectra(l = ll, windows = None)

The keys of the output Cl are combinations of window functions used, e.g. Cl['shear-shear'] or Cl['galaxy-lensing'].


Angular correlation functions

Equivalently, the angular correlation functions can be computed with


Unfortunately the correlation functions can be computed for single angular power spectrum at a time, because different windows require different orders for the Hankel transform.

ll    = np.geomspace(2., 1e4, 128)
Cl    = S.limber_angular_power_spectra(l = ll)
theta = np.geomspace(10., 800., 51)
xi    = {}
for key in Cl.keys():
       if   key in ['lensing-lensing', 'shear-shear', 'shear-IA', 'IA-shear', 'IA-IA']:
           order_plus, order_minus = 0, 4
           xi[key+' +'] = S.limber_angular_correlation_functions(theta, ll, Cl[key], order_plus)
           xi[key+' -'] = S.limber_angular_correlation_functions(theta, ll, Cl[key], order_minus)
       elif key in ['lensing-galaxy', 'galaxy-lensing']:
           order = 2
           xi[key] = S.limber_angular_correlation_functions(theta, ll, Cl[key], order)
       elif key == 'galaxy-galaxy':
           order = 0
           xi[key] = S.limber_angular_correlation_functions(theta, ll, Cl[key], order)